Python vs Scala

There is more enthusiasm in the developer community now than ever before when it comes to creating programming paradigms and tools.This is mostly driven by the requirement of software and the websites in the information age we live in.There are many contenders for the next big hot programming language of choice for a vast majority of people who think about scalabilty and performance from an early stage in their development in order to reduce problems later on.
Python seems to be riding high thanks to its adoption in the scientific community and its growing usage as a primary language in machine learning and data science fields.At the same time there is Scala which is type-safe and sophisticated in its design and features and is built on a rock solid foundation we know as JVM and has all it needs from the already well-established Java ecosystem.Scala is powering platforms like Coursera and Twitter while Python is powering huge web applications like Dropbox and Quora, to name just a few..
If i had to chose two languages among the modern languages like Python,Node,Scala,Ruby,Go and Closure as most likely the ones who will grow consistently in popularity and usage i would choose Python and Scala.It’s very likely that i will go with these two as the major languages used in my own first technology startup.


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