Anger and Focus

They say anger can destroy all good things in life if not controlled well.That is true indeed if you understand the patterns in the way most of the relationships end.Then there are careers that end over heated arguments or disagreements-all unnecessarily super-enhanced by anger.

All this however doesn’t mean anger is all that harmful after all.It’s a very powerful form of emotion and has the power to change the world if channelized in the right direction.Taking my own case,for years i’ve been trying to channelize all my anger- mainly consisting of my complicated childhood and years until the spring of youth-in proper direction and all that effort is gradually helping me to have a sharp focus in my career and life.There are times i still get triggered by some specific type of events but i have found getting angry and speaking your heart out at rare occasions could actually lead to a lighter and calmer heart in the long run.All in all, the art of converting all our anger into sharp focus on something that we are passionate about is a killer skill to have in today’s competitive environment.The best we can do is see the opportunity in something as destructive as anger and still make the best out of it.


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On Copycats and Decommoditization

“If you are successful, people will try to copy what you do.It’s just a fact of life.But there is a great way to protect yourself from copycats.Make YOU as part of your product or service.Inject what’s unique about the way you think into... Continue →