Since I Have Been Gone

My last post here was about 6 months back.I wrote a post about the startup I was working on without revealing much.Fast forward 6 months and now I have successfully built an AI startup named Aincubate based in Bangalore and it has one of the best AI teams in India right now.It’s still an early stage to predict what will happen to it and its ambitious plans for the future, but having released its first product SnapShopr to an encouraging response from early adopters it looks like its here to stay for a good deal of time.Even SnapShopr itself can grow really big if executed well over the next few quarters.We can only hope and expect it to do well.

I have realized during these last few months while doing the product management for SnapShopr and managing different R&D efforts at Aincubate that the first thing a founder should do is to find a good cofounder and build a very good team.Everything else follows this one.Because once you have the right team in place you can pretty much do anything constrained only by time and not my skills or execution.

I’m going to share a lot of my experiences of running an early stage startup going forward.Happy to be back to blogging for good.By the way, the image below is the first screen of SnapShopr, a visual search app for fashion shopping.



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Behavioral Economics Done Right

I recently took a course titled “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior” based on the subject Behavioral Economics on Coursera.It was taught by Prof. Dan Ariely, who is one of the major authorities on the subject and is currently... Continue →